Dr. Hermann Cuntz Independent Group Leader Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) - affiliated as Research Fellow 3R-Center Gießen - ICAR3R - affiliated through Peter Jedlicka group Contact info: Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) Deutschordenstraße 46 D-60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany Tel. +49-(0)-69-96769-545 Email hermann.neuro (at) gmail.com |
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Dates________ | Events______________________________________________________ |
Coming up | |
30 Jul. 2024 | Talk at Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM), invited by Dr. Fereydoon Taheri, Heidelberg, Germany |
2024 | |
22-25 Jul. 2024 | Talk at
"Computer algebra applications in the life sciences" at the
International Congress on Mathematical Software Durham, UK |
23 Feb. 2024 | Moritz's
new paper on dendrite repair published in PLoS Computational Biology !! |
20 Feb. 2024 | Alex's
new paper on pattern separation published in PLoS Computational Biology !! |
2023 | |
28 Nov. 2023 | Maijia's
new paper on dendrite topoloty, a collaboration with Jonathon Howard |
9 Nov. 2023 | Talk at Institute of Zoology at TiHo, invited by Prof. Felix Felmy Hannover, Germany |
7-9 Aug. 2023 | Talk at
"BonnBrain3 - from Cellular Diversity to Complex Behavior in Health and Disease" Bonn, Germany |
2 Aug. 2023 | Nina's
new paper on lognormal distributions of spine sizes published in Open Biology !! |
15 Jul. 2023 | TREES Toolbox tutorial at CNS*2023 Leipzig, Germany |
9 Jul. 2023 | Talk at Ringberg retreat, invited by Prof. Axel Borst, Kreuth, Germany |
3 Jul. 2023 | Marius'
new paper on ion channel degeneracy published in PLoS Computational Biology !! |
3 Feb. 2023 | Martin and Laura's
new paper on dendrites in Alzheimer's published in Journal of Physiology !! |
2022 | |
25-27 Oct. 2022 | Talk at
"Blue Brain Workshop - Mouse Neuronal Morphologies in Health and Disease" Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland |
13-14 Sep. 2022 | Talk at
"Bernstein conference satellite workshop - Simulating plasticity in morphologically
detailed neural networks with Arbor – Building a new research community" Berlin, Germany |
13 Jul. 2022 | Peter's
review paper on Pareto optimality in single neurons published in Open Biology !! |
23-26 May. 2022 | Talk at "Dendrites 2022: Dendritic anatomy, molecules and function" Heraklion, Crete |
29 Apr. 2022 | Talk at IST in Vienna,
invited by Prof. Edouard Hannezo |
26 Apr. 2022 | From our collaboration with Gaia Tavosanis, Tomke's
new paper on Class III dendrites published in Cell Reports !! | 7 Apr. 2022 | Marvin's Oculus App "Cajal's Dream" is out !! |
4 Feb. 2022 | Talk at Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris -- INSERM,
invited by Dr. Cyril Hanus |
2021 | |
22 Sept. 2021 | Our
new paper on dendritic constancy published in Neuron !! |
17 Sept. 2021 - 18 Sept. 2021 | Lecturer at
"EITN Spring School in Computational Neuroscience"
in Paris |
9 Aug. 2021 | Alex'
new paper about "dendritic" machine learning published in PLoS CB !! |
2 Feb. 2021 | Alex' and Lisa's
new paper on cortical connectivity in Cerebral Cortex !! | 4 Mar. 2021 | Talk at MPI of Neurobiology,
invited by Prof. Alexander Borst, virtual |
2020 | 29 Oct. 2020 | Talk at Gutenberg Universität Main,
invited by Prof. Carsten Duch, virtual |
26 Nov. 2020 | André's
new paper on dendrite growth and pruning published in eLife !! |
4 Mar. 2020 - 5 Mar. 2020 | Lecturer at
"EITN Spring School in Computational Neuroscience"
in Paris | 2 Mar. 2020 | Talk at
"Neural networks that are neuronal networks: Considerations of neuron morphology in circuit computations."
workshop at Cosyne 22, Breckenridge |
26 Feb. 2020 - 20 Apr. 2020 | Marvin's
virtual reality installation was part of an exhibition about neurons at the Centre Pompidou !! |
2019 | |
24 Dec. 2019 | Christian's
new Christmas paper about STDP in dendrites published in Cell Reports including a beautiful cover !! |
6 Dec. 2019 | Moritz' and Marvin's
new paper about cortical folding published in Cerebral Cortex !! |
26 Aug. 2019 - 28 Aug. 2019 | Lecturer at
"Modeling Healthy and Diseased Brain: From Dendrites to Neurons and Networks"
7th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroinformatics BNNI 2019 in Frankfurt |
4 Jun. 2019 | Alex'
new paper about Sholl intersections published in Cell Reports !! |
3 Jun. 2019 - 9 Jun. 2019 | Lecturer at
"Building and Mining Brain Cell Atlases and Connectomes"
Cold Spring Harbor Asia summer course in Suzhou | 28 May 2019 |
Bernstein Seminar
at Bernstein Center Freiburg,
invited by Prof. Uli Egert, Freiburg |
4 Apr. 2019 | Tomke's
new paper about role of Arp2/3 in dendrite branching published in Development !! |
2018 | |
12 Nov. 2018 | Laura's
new paper about regularly and irregularly distributed dendrites published in PLoS CB !! |
19 Oct. 2018 |
Talk at the
ICAR3R Kick-off symposium at 3R Centre JLU Giessen | 21 Sept. 2018 | Talk at University of Hertfordshire,
invited by Prof. John Senior |
17 July 2018 | CNS*2018 workshop
"Neuronal morphology and structure" organized by Alex, Andre, and me, Paris |
28 Jun. 2018 - 2 Jul. 2018 | Lecturer at
"Building and Mining Brain Cell Atlases and Connectomes"
Cold Spring Harbor Asia summer course in Suzhou |
30 Apr. 2018 | Tassilo's
new paper from our collaboration with Peter and Stephan in PNAS !! | 19-22 Apr. 2018 | Invited to "11. Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium",
Humboldt Stiftung, Shanghai |
8-13 Apr. 2018 | Invited to
Ernst Strüngmann Forum
"Cerebral Cortex 3.0: Complexity and Computation",
Frankfurt |
6-7 Mar. 2018 | Talk at Institute for Theoretical Biology,
invited by Prof. Susanne Schreiber and Dr. Michiel Remme, Berlin |
8-9 Feb. 2018 |
talk at the
Dendritic integration and computation with active dendrites workshop at EITN Paris |
23 Jan. 2018 | Sumit's
new paper to redefine morphology standards, a collaboration with Giorgio Ascoli |
3 Jan. 2018 |
Perspective on a nice paper about Mauthner cell function by Medan et al |
2017 | 22 Dec. 2017 | Talk at Blue Brain Project Geneva,
invited by Dr. Lida Kanari |
22 Nov. 2017 | Our group rated excellent by Max Planck Scientific Advisory Board !! |
22 Nov. 2017 | Marcel's
new paper about our robust GC model in T2N published in eLife !! |
5-6 Oct. 2017 |
Talk at the
Dendritic Spines: Morphology, Function and Modeling workshop at EITN Paris, cancelled |
27 Sept. 2017 | Faculty of
SMARTSTART, a training program in computational neuroscience | 26 Sept. 2017 | Talk at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, invited by Prof. Philipp Berens |
3 July 2017 | Alexandra's
new paper on Strahler order in dendrites in PLoS CB !! |
3 May 2017 | Marcel's
PhD defense !! |
3 May 2017 | Marvin's
new paper on neural maps in PNAS !! |
3 Mar. 2017 | Tijana's
new paper on GC time-lapse from our collaboration with Stephan |
9 Feb. 2017 | Member of
Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience Frankfurt (ICNF) |
2016 | |
7 Dec. 2016 |
Elected to the board of directors of the
Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS) | 11 August 2016 |
new paper on adult-born dentate granule cells in Brain Struct and Funct !! |
4 May 2016 |
new paper on dendritic taper in PLoS CB !! |
11-12 Apr. 2016 |
Talk at the
Digital representation of neuronal morphologies and tissue workshop at OIST |
7 Apr. 2016 |
Modelling dendrite shape, one of four new chapters in the 3rd edition of Dendrites! |
5 Apr. 2016 |
Talk at the
Gutenberg University, invited by Carsten Duch, Mainz |
15-16 Mar. 2016 |
talk at the
Dendritic Sophistication: From Structure to Function workshop at EITN Paris |
Mar. 2016 |
New ebook:
Quantitative analysis of neuroanatomy, with Julian Budd, Stephen Eglen and Patrik Krieger |
25 Feb. 2016 |
new paper on lesion and dendrites in Acta Neuropathol Commun !! |
8 Feb. 2016 |
Third baby: Lotte!!!!!
2015 | |
14 Dec. 2015 | Alberto and Henrik's
new paper on LFP simulations in PLoS CB !! | 31 Oct. 2015 - 28 Feb. 2016 |
Virtual reality installation with Marvin Weigand at the
Exo-Evolution exhibition as part of the GLOBALE in Karlsruhe at the ZKM |
11-12 Sept. 2015 |
Talk and hacking at the
Connectomic workbench at Cambridge University |
2015 | Research report,
publication in the yearbook of the Max Planck Society (in German) |
22 July 2015 | CNS*2015 workshop
"Dendrite function and wiring" organized by Michiel Remme, Ben Torben-Nielsen, and me, Paris |
12-13 Mar. 2015 |
Talk at the
Power laws and multiple scales in neural systems workshop at EITN Paris |
23-27 Feb. 2015 |
Hacking at the
Connectomics Analysis Workshop and Hackathon at HHMI Campus Janelia Farm |
6 Jan. 2015 |
Video installation at
Open Day 2015 of the ZKM in Karlsruhe |
2014 | |
3 Nov. 2014 |
Talk at the
"Principles of Brain Wiring" IGSN Symposium in Bochum | 23 Oct. 2014 | Calvin's
new paper on blue dentate in PLoS CB !! |
26 Aug. 2014 |
Start of my new module called
"Computational neuroanatomy - quantitative analysis and modelling" for the
Master of Interdisciplinary Neuroscience in Frankfurt |
3-30 Aug. 2014 |
Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience came to the FIAS in Frankfurt
this year, with local organisation by Jochen Triesch and me. It was great! |
1 Apr. 2014 |
Research fellow at the
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) in Frankfurt |
12 Mar. 2014 |
Faculty at the
International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Neural Circuits in Frankfurt |
2013 | |
2 Dec. 2013 |
Twin babies: Sophie and Clara!!!!!
| 31 Oct. 2013 |
Our new book:
the Computing Dendrite - from structure to function., with Michiel Remme and Ben Torben-Nielsen |
14 Oct. 2013 |
Guest lecture at the computational neuroscience lecture series at the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) in Basel |
25 Sept. 2013 |
I received the
Bernstein Award 2013!!!! |
18 Sept. 2013 |
Talk at the
Centre de Regulació Genòmica, invited by Mara Dierssen, Barcelona |
23 Aug. 2013 |
New paper on scaling in dendrites |
9 Aug. 2013 |
Lecture at Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience, Bedlewo |
17 July 2013 | CNS*2013 workshop
"Dendrite function and wiring" organized by Michiel Remme, Ben Torben-Nielsen, and me, Paris |
27 June 2013 |
Talk at the Philipps University Neurobiology invited by Uwe Homberg, Marburg |
24 May 2013 |
Talk at the
workshop predictive neuroinformatics (INCF), Nijmegen |
10 April 2013 |
Talk at the Donders Institute invited by Paul Tiesinga, Nijmegen |
7 Feb. 2013 |
Talk at the Philipps-University Marburg,
invited by Prof. Anna Schubö, Marburg |
2012 | |
4 Dec. 2012 |
Talk at the FIAS,
invited by Prof. Jochen Triesch, Frankfurt | 22-24 Nov. 2012 |
Video installation in the ZKM, with review in the
frieze magazine, Karlsruhe |
16 Oct. 2012 |
Computational Neuroscience Social
at SfN*2012,
invited chair, New Orleans |
14 Oct. 2012 |
Poster at SfN*2012,
New Orleans |
24 Aug. 2012 |
Video interview by Arvid Leyh for dasgehirn.info |
28 June 2012 |
Interview by Stuart Mason Dambrot for medicalxpress |
18 May 2012 | Our
dendrite scaling paper
was accepted at PNAS! |
30 Apr. 2012 | Talk at Max Planck Institute for Brain Research,
invited by Mike Hemberger and Prof. Gilles Laurent, Frankfurt |
11 Jan. 2012 | Invited paper
for research topic
"Wiring Principles of Cerebral Cortex", in
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy |
2011 | |
12 Dec. 2011 | Talk at Imperial College London,
invited by Prof. Ross Ethier, London | 1 Dec. 2011 | Der Dendriten-Kode,
German popular article about my work by Christiane Gelitz. December Issue of Gehirn und Geist (Spektrum der Wissenschaft) |
16 Nov. 2011 |
Poster at SfN*2011,
Waschington |
1 Oct. 2011 | Affiliation with the Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience
in cooperation with the Max Planck Society |
27/28 July 2011 | CNS*2011 workshop
"Dendrite function and wiring: experiments and theory" organized by Michiel Remme, Ben Torben-Nielsen, Jaap van Pelt and me, Stockholm |
18 July 2011 | talk at the MRC laboratory of molecular biology,
invited by Dr. Greg Jefferis, Cambridge UK |
15 July 2011 | Talk at Microsoft Research Cambridge,
invited by Prof. Stephen Emmott, Cambridge UK |
8 July 2011 | Talk at the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI),
invited by Dr. Karl Farrow and Dr. Botond Roska, Basel |
30 May 2011 | Talk at Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research,
invited by Dr. Fahad Sultan, Tübingen |
2 May 2011 | Launch of the Science Byte documentary. |
1 May 2011 | I started my own lab in Frankfurt! |
23 Feb. 2011 | Wellcome image award 2011 |
11 Jan. 2011 | Neuroinform paper
to advertise the TREES toolbox, in Neuroinformatics |
2010 | |
8-9 July 2010 | Invited talk at workshop: "Single neuron morphologies & computation", Amsterdam | 7-10 June 2010 | Poster at EPSRC symposium workshop: dendrites, neurones and networks, Warwick | 29 April 2010 | Poster at UCL Neuroscience Symposium, London (1st prize, poster competition) |
2 March 2010 | Talk at MIT, invited by Prof. Sebastian Seung, Boston | 26 Feb. 2010 | Poster at Cosyne, Salt Lake City | 4 Feb. 2010 | Talk at Ernst-Strüngmann Institute (ESI), invited by Prof. Pascal Fries, Frankfurt | 11 Jan. 2010 | Talk at the Neurosciences Institute (NSI), invited by Prof. Gerald Edelman, San Diego |
see cv |
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License
last updated on 21 March 2024, Hermann Cuntz